Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Send me love.

Does anyboday been updating their blogs? Apparently not. And I thought I was having internet connection deffiency over here. sigh.

Blame it all on the whole cny festive season. I have been fed really well for the whole week of holidays, that I could no longer fit into my existing pants. sigh square.

Perhaps I should start accomplishing my resolutions since now that cny is alomost over and I have no reason not to. One of them is to really lose weight right bb? Swimming should do the trick. (= I had my first Chem test yday, and I totally screwed it. How hard can it be I thought, but nooo, it was just.. hard.

Everyone is leaving so soon, Nicole and a whole bunch of them. So many farewell's in so little time.
Valentine's soon. Jane's big day is soon. Nic's departure is sooner. )=

Class cancelled on demand. So sick. Was updating this in pc lab and someone just farted. Damn sick.

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